Light & dark - Denmark 2016

Light & dark - Denmark 2016

Light & dark - Denmark 2016

Light & dark - Denmark 2016

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Between us - Belgium, France, Denmark, Slovenia 2012

Cocoon - Belgium 2014

Cocoon - Belgium 2014

Cocoon - Belgium 2014

Cocoon - Belgium 2014

The almost unhearable sound of the roses singing - Belgium 2017

The almost unhearable sound of the roses singing - Belgium 2017

The almost unhearable sound of the roses singing - Belgium 2017

The almost unhearable sound of the roses singing - Belgium 2017

Eiland - Belgium 2019, 2020

Eiland - Belgium 2019, 2020

Time woke up in darkness - Denmark 2015

Time woke up in darkness - Denmark 2015

Bivouac - France, Iceland 2020, 2021, 2024

Bivouac - France, Iceland 2020, 2021, 2024

The white tribe - Cyprus 2017

The white tribe - Cyprus 2017

Als de wolf van huis is - Belgium, France, Italy, Austria 2010 to 2016

Als de wolf van huis is - Belgium, France, Italy, Austria 2010 to 2016

Als de wolf van huis is - Belgium, France, Italy, Austria 2010 to 2016

Als de wolf van huis is - Belgium, France, Italy, Austria 2010 to 2016

Hôte - France 2023

Hôte - France 2023

La république des rêves - France, Canada 2019, 2020

Pasta e Basta - France 2019

Pasta e Basta - France 2019

Comme Une - France 2019

Luna de Papel / Maanlicht - Spain, Belgium 2019, 2020

Luna de Papel / Maanlicht - Spain, Belgium 2019, 2020

«Cœur ardent», Alexandre Ostrovsky - France, Switzerland 1992
stage painting and sculpture

« Désir sous les ormes », Eugene O’Neill - France 1993
stage painting and sculpture

« Philoctète », Heiner Müller - France 1994
stage painting and sculpture

« Pylade », Pier Paolo Pasolini - France 1993
scenography and props

« La Nuit des Rois », William Shakespeare - France 1999
scenography and props

«La Nuit des Rois», William Shakespeare - France 1999
scenography and props

«La Nuit des Rois», William Shakespeare - France 1999
scenography and props

« Le haut de forme », Eduardo De Filippo - France 1997
scenography and props

«Le haut de forme», Eduardo De Filippo - France 1997
scenography and props

«Les noces du rétameur», John M. Synge - France 1997, 1998
scenography and props

«Les noces du rétameur», John M. Synge - France 1997, 1998
scenography and props

« Homme et Galant Homme », Eduardo De Filippo - France 2000
stage painting and props, assistant director

«Homme et Galant Homme», Eduardo De Filippo - France 2000
stage painting and props, assistant director

« Les bonnes à tout faire », Goldoni - France 2001
stage painting and props

«Les bonnes à tout faire», Goldoni - France 2001
stage painting and props

« Tango Viennois », Peter Turrini - France 2003
scenography and props, assistant director

«Tango Viennois», Peter Turrini - France 2003
scenography and props, assistant director

« L’Instant Molière », Molière - France 2015
scenography and props, assistant director

«L’Instant Molière», Molière - France 2015
scenography and props, assistant director

«L’Instant Molière», Molière - France 2015
scenography and props, assistant director

« Lalla (ou la terreur) », Didier-Georges Gabily - France 2004
scenography and props

«Lalla (ou la terreur)», Didier-Georges Gabily - France 2004
scenography and props

« Casimir & Caroline », Ödön Von Horvath - France 2014
stage painting and props, assistant director

«Casimir & Caroline», Ödön Von Horvath - France 2014
stage painting and props, assistant director

«Casimir & Caroline», Ödön Von Horvath - France 2014

stage painting and props, assistant director

« Luna Rossa », Bernard Lotti - France 2011
scenography and props, assistant director

« Wachten Op Vlooien », Jean-Marie Oriot - Belgium 2009
dramaturgy, scenography and props, director

«Wachten Op Vlooien», Jean-Marie Oriot - Belgium 2009
dramaturgy, scenography and props, director

Jean-Marie makes digital visual art, sensorial performances, immersive installations, set design and a lot more.
He is french, was born in Germany, and lives in Belgium. He studied fine arts in Rennes, France (Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts) and have been working as an artist since 1992. With a wide range of skills and interests (from stage painting, to poetic sensorial installation, through scenography, sound or smell design, dramaturgy,…) Jean-Marie works for various international theater companies and artists collectives, and creates himself digital paintings, installations and performances that try to find the balance between the simple contemplation of nature and the human necessity of a profound look at nature.
His performances have been touring through various festivals and theaters across Europe.

In addition to his work as an artist, Jean-Marie regularly gives workshops and masterclasses about the poetics of the space, the creation of sensorial images, the nature of the performer in an immersive or sensorial performance, the performance as a game, etc…
He’s also gladly available to coach and advise young artists who ask for it, on artistic or technical matters.

Jean-Marie is a founding member of the INHEPI (International Network for Human Encounters in Performances and Installations), a worldwide network of artists researching interaction and the creation of sensorial images in performing arts. He speaks french, english, spanish and dutch (flemish).

Some of the photos on this website are not mine. I apologize for not mentioning all the credits. Most of the photographers are unfortunately unknown to me, as I usually receive the images from the producers or the institutions (theater, festival…) showing my work. If you recognize one of your images please contact me so I can credit your work.

©Jean-MarieOriot - last update 2024

contact me !

short biography

complete resume